Thursday, January 14, 2010

Comic relief

It's always a bittersweet moment when the college-aged kid goes back to school after a long break at home. On the one hand, there's the sweet side: No more half-sleeping with one ear open until the last chickadee returns to the nest late at night (even though you tell yourself it is NOT necessary -- it's something that just doesn't shut off magically when a kid grows up), being able to find the bedroom floor once the kid's belongings are packed up and hitching a ride back with him, and a welcome break from sparring on various hot-bed topics on which we do not see eye-to-eye...yet. ;-) Then there's the bitter side: Missing the near-constant stream of comings and goings (with and without the accompanying friends), the funny stories, the hugs, the just getting to see a loved one on a daily basis. This is not my favorite type of rollercoaster ride!

During my invisible, emotional tug-of-war, my silly dog did something that still has me tickled and therefore not dwelling on the "bitters". Conner and I were in the middle of a good-bye hug when Charlie started jumping into the air with all his might, right next to us at about waist level, communicating what he always manages to communicate: "WAIT just a minute, you're MY mom, hug ME, hug ME, hug ME!" I started giggling and Conner addressed him by saying something smart-alec, to which Charlie responded by talking back with an equally smart-alec, grumbly growl, which totally cracked me up. Somehow it doesn't come across as funny here in writing as it did when it played out! Thanks anyway, Charlie, for brightening up a wistful moment with your antics. You may have kept me out of the "bitters" altogether this time around!

1 comment:

  1. And I thought I was the only one that waits for their grown children to walk in the door late at night when they are home. Glad to know I'm in good company!!!!


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